Master Dee Burgess

Master Dee Burgess
Accredited Feng Shui Consultant (by the AFSC) Chinese Astrologist Secretary for the International Feng Shui Association - Australian Chapter I created my business “Balancing Energies” in 2012 and since then have been providing traditional Feng Shui consultations in many homes and offices. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art and it is important to be able to meld that correctly into our modern world. I believe I help my clients achieve this with placement of colours and elements and the clever use of modern day appliances to activate positive areas. I absolutely love the feeling I get when a client tells me of the beneficial changes they have experienced as a result of introducing the principles of Feng Shui into their lives. I believe everyone wants health, wealth and happiness. ALL this can be achieved through the positive practice of Feng Shui.