Home Archive Editors Letter – Eleventh Edition

Editors Letter – Eleventh Edition

by Senior Master Janene Laird
Editors Letter – Eleventh Edition

Welcome to our eleventh edition of Feng Shui Today – a free online magazine for the modern professional and avid enthusiast!  At FST we strive to create an  industry leading resource with unique, informative articles and practical advice from some of the brightest minds in the business.

How quickly 2016 seems to have flown by and with Christmas and New Year festivities behind us, it’s now time to look towards making those necessary preparations for Chinese New Year.  2017 is of course the Year of the Fire Rooster, with one of the prevailing characteristics being that of romance and social activity.  With that in mind the IFSA Australia Chapter is holding a luncheon in Melbourne at the Brighton Savoy Hotel on Sunday the 12th February to celebrate both Valentines Day and also the romantic Rooster Year.

Tickets will be available mid January via the secure online shop at www.intfsa.org.au and are priced at $90 per head.  This includes arrival hors d’oeuvres, main course, dessert and a selection of wine, beer, soft drinks, tea and coffee.  The price also includes 3 fantastic speakers who will be sharing tips and tricks for making your 2017 a happy, healthy and prosperous year.  Hope you can join us as this event is always very informative and a lot of fun!

2016 was also a great year on the global scene, as the International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) hosted their 13th annual International Feng Shui Convention (IFSC) at the lovely S31 Hotel in Bangkok over the weekend of November 24th & 25th, 2016.  Titled Feng Shui for Success – Business and Home, this was a great event which not only showcased local Thai speakers and industry leading presenters from around the world, but once again provided a wonderful opportunity for our international Feng Shui family to come together to network, share knowledge and renew valued friendships.  For a full wrap up of the convention, we have a special article in this edition with all the IFSC presentation outlines and highlights.

Next year the 14th annual IFSC is to be held in Manila on the 18th & 19th of November 2017 with discounted Early Bird tickets already available via the IFSC website.  In response to those enquiries regarding pre and post convention short courses; yes they will be included in the extended IFSC program and further details will be available in due course.  So grab your Early Bird ticket now as the Manila IFSC promises to be even more educational and exciting than ever!

Now back to this issue of Feng Shui Today and once again we are honored to share the work of so many committed, thoughtful and experienced practitioners and masters. Topics include Zodiac Forecast for 2017 by Grand Master Vincent Koh, Feng Shui Update for the Year of the Fire Rooster by Master Janene Laird, Fire Rooster Yearly Health Forecast by Master Tyler J Rowe, Yijing and its Reflection in Confucianism and Taoism by Master Jacek Kryg, Space Clearing is not Feng Shui by Howard Choy, Good Fortune Shines on Babies Born in the Rooster Year by Master Jen Stone and A Four Pillars Perspective of George Michael by Dr. Chong Jin Peh.

With our regular articles, Feng Shui Tips is pleased to share with our readers how best we can utilize the helpful influence of the ‘Nobleman Star’ in our home.

In Ask Melynda, our resident expert answers a reader’s question on selecting the most beneficial office workstation and shares a few general guidelines for combining favorable directions and supportive form.  Don’t forget that if you have anything you would like to ask Melynda, then just email us at editor@fengshuitoday.com and she’ll answer them in our next edition.

In Classical Corner Master Tyler J. Rowe continues his investigation into Practical Applications of Ancient Texts with a look at Guopu On Skyscrapers.  At the 2015 Shanghai IFSC , Grand Master Dr. Stephen Skinner presented a convincing argument that buildings are perhaps not the urban equivalents of mountain dragons, as popular theory would suggest.  His contention was that whilst they may protect against wind, providing a modicum of ‘support’, they lack the deep roots necessary to produce Sheng qi ‘Generative Qi’ and water.  It would be easy to assume at a cursory glance that the Feng Shui Classics have nothing to say on this modern perspective, but that assumption would be wrong.  A more comprehensive investigation reveals some interesting results…

Finally in Profile of a Master we are excited to sit down and chat with  Master Yap Boh Chu, who now heads up the renowned Yap Cheng Hai Academy.  Like other members of his family, Master Boh Chu learnt and mastered the science and skill of Feng Shui from his late father, Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai.  Together they set up their renowned Feng Shui Academy and diligently developed the curriculum and syllabus.  As his father’s right-hand man, Master Boh Chu frequently assisted Grand Master Yap with various mega projects, including the 200ha Taman Memorial Graha Sentosa in Indonesia; as well as commercial buildings in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Canada.  He has also conducted countless Feng Shui readings in Malaysia, Indonesia and Europe and frequently conducts courses for Advanced and Practical Graduate levels locally and abroad. For more information regarding courses at the Yap Cheng Hai Academy please visit their website at www.ychacademy.com.

So please sit back once again with a lovely glass of wine or café late and enjoy our first edition of FST for 2017.  We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season and thank you all for your continued support.

Master Janene Laird (AFSM)

Feng Shui Today

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