Home Archive Editors Letter – Fifth Edition

Editors Letter – Fifth Edition

by Senior Master Janene Laird

janene laird  editor
Welcome to our Chinese New Year edition of Feng Shui Today – an online magazine for the modern professional and avid enthusiast.

Once again Chinese New Year and World Feng Shui Day will be celebrated in both Melbourne and Sydney with luncheons hosted by the IFSA Australia Chapter on Sunday the 3rd of February. Speakers in Melbourne include Howard Choy, Master Edgar Lok Tin Yung and Tyler J Rowe. In addition Master Khor Tong Nee will be visiting our fair shores from Singapore for the CNY festivities and will be a guest of honor at the Melbourne luncheon.

In Sydney Melynda Munro and Vicki Sauvage will advise and guide our guests for the coming Year of the Snake and this will certainly be an event not to be missed. Details and tickets for both luncheons are now available via www.intfsa.org.au so why not put together a table of your family, friends or colleagues and let our expert speakers advise you about the prospects and obstacles that the Year of the Snake will bring and what you can do to improve your future and that of your loved ones.

Over the weekend of the 17th & 18th of November, the International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) ran its 9th annual Feng Shui Convention. Titled Ancient Art- Modern Practice, this event was held at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore and was an event which I always find to be both personally and professionally rewarding. You’ll find a complete write up of the IFSC and all the speaker’s presentations in this edition of Feng Shui Today, so if you weren’t able to make it in person then please take a moment to catch up on a little of what you may have missed!
Also in this issue we have some great articles from both our regular and guest contributors. Topics include Year of the Snake Forecasts, Vaastu Energy Fields & Flooring, Feng Shui of the HSBC Building in Hong Kong, Sports Predictions using the IV Pillars of Destiny, Astro-Palmistry, Feng Shui of London’s Financial District, Colour Psychology and the 9th Annual IFSC write up.
With our regular articles, Feng Shui Tips features advice on the Chinese New Year and how to welcome the auspicious energy of the God of Wealth or Cai Shen into your home.
In Ask Melynda our resident expert answers a question from a consultant on dealing with an unhappy client and offers suggestions to another reader on how to remedy and resolve conflict following a divorce. Don’t forget to email your questions to us at enquiries@fengshuitoday.com and Melynda will answer them in our next edition.
In Classical Corner Tyler J Rowe once again brings us “Wisdom from the mouths of ancient sages to the ears of the modern practitioner” and helps to dispel and unravel some of the myths and legends surrounding the ancient study of Feng Shui. In this issue he takes a practical approach and seeks to reveal which is more important in a dwelling; forms or compass? For the answer, as always, he turns to the classic texts.
Finally in Profile of a Master we are honored to sit down and chat with worldrenowned author and researcher, Master Stephen Skinner. In 1976 Stephen wrote the first English book on Feng Shui published in the 20th century; the Living Earth Manual of Feng Shui. This book first brought Feng Shui to the attention of the Western world.
In 1998 he launched the Feng Shui for Modern Living monthly magazine, whose first issue sold 121,000 copies, more than either Elle Décor or Wallpaper magazines in the UK. In 1999 he was nominated as PPA ‘Publisher of the Year’ for his work in launching this magazine, which was distributed in 41 countries and helped to popularize Feng Shui around the world.
In the same year he organized the London International Feng Shui Conference, the largest ever held in the UK and Europe with 700 attendees and four simultaneous lecture theatres. The following year Stephen gave one of the three Doyle lectures in New York, sharing the bill with Martha Stewart Living and Country Living magazines.
Stephen is the author of over 35 books which have been translated into more than 20 different languages. His most recent publication is Feng Shui History: The Story of Classical Feng Shui in China and the West from 221 BC to 2012 AD. Published late last year this text even includes the International Feng Shui Association, the IFSA Australia Chapter and Feng Shui Today!
Nowadays Stephen lives in Singapore with his lovely wife Navaneeta Das, where he researches, writes, lectures and conducts Feng Shui consultations around the region.
So enjoy a well-deserved break whilst you read our Chinese New Year edition of Feng Shui Today.  Once again we have done our very best to bring you a magazine that is simply bursting with great advice, useful tips and entertaining and informative articles.   In addition we’ll keep you updated on all the latest workshops, courses and events so that you can keep your finger on the pulse of all things Feng Shui.
Please also remember that you are welcome to share any suggestions or feedback with us and we would love to receive any articles or course details you think would be of interest to our international Feng Shui community. Don’t forget that if we do publish your article you will receive a complimentary ¼ page advertisement for your business, event or line of products.
Janene Laird
Feng Shui Today







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