Home Archive Editors Letter – First Edition

Editors Letter – First Edition

by Senior Master Janene Laird

Welcome to Feng Shui Today – our NEW online magazine for the modern professional and avid enthusiast!  Run in conjunction with the Australian Chapter of the International Feng Shui Association, this magazine promises to be a portal for all aspects of Chinese Metaphysics.

Feng Shui is well known to most of us nowadays as the ancient Chinese art of arranging our internal living spaces and managing our external environment so that we can live in a state of harmony and balance and in so doing improve our success, health, wealth and happiness.

But how do we bring this traditional and rather complex system of techniques into our contemporary and modern 21st century and make it relevant for the hectic, urban lives we often lead?   In essence I have often heard this question asked by my Feng Shui masters, colleagues and clients and therefore it seemed to be the natural and logical theme to underpin the purpose and objective of this magazine.

To some people Feng Shui is still largely misunderstood and appears to them as a cultural and superstitious practice which is shrouded in mystery and often confused with long held Chinese customs and beliefs.  However as Grand Master Vincent Koh states, “Feng Shui is neither a magical or spiritual practice.  Rather it is logical, subtle, simple and graceful” and when used properly can help to overcome dilemmas in both your personal and professional life; improve your health and relationships and enhance your overall good fortune.

Understanding the fundamentals can really improve your luck and help you to create a home that is a haven from the turbulence and turmoil that can impact our world. Therefore with the help of both our regular and guest contributors we shall do our very best to bring you a magazine that is simply bursting with great advice, useful tips and entertaining and informative articles.   In addition we’ll up date you on all the latest workshops, courses, events and conferences so that you can keep your finger on the pulse of all things Feng Shui!

Our feature articles in this inaugural issue include Feng Shui topics on Classical Chinese Garden Design and a Feng Shui tour of Singapore. Our BaZi topics discuss Flowers of Romance and whether our Natal Charts Follow the Flow?  Regular features include Feng Shui Tips, Ask Madam Lee and Profile of a Master.

In ‘Feng Shui Tips’ we’ll bring you helpful tips to guide, educate and enlighten you. In ‘Ask Madam Lee’ we’ll take a couple of your most puzzling questions or persistent problems and ask our resident ‘expert’ Madam Lee to advise and guide you.  So if you have any questions you would like answered, please send them to editor@fengshuitoday.com.

In ‘Profile of a Master’ we will interview some of our most prolific and successful, modern day Feng Shui Masters and reveal their dreams, aspirations and secrets to success.  The first of these interviews is with Grand Master Vincent Koh, who is the founder and principle consultant of the Singapore Feng Shui Centre and also a founding member of the International Feng Shui Association.

So take a well deserved ‘time out’ and we hope you enjoy our very first edition of Feng Shui Today.  Please be sure to share any suggestions or feedback with us and we would love to receive any articles or course details you think would be of interest to our Feng Shui community. By the way, if we do publish your article you will receive a complimentary ¼ page advertisement for your business, event or line of products!

Master Janene Laird


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