Home Archive Editors Letter – Ninth Edition

Editors Letter – Ninth Edition

by Senior Master Janene Laird

master janene laird

Welcome to our most auspicious Chinese New Year edition of Feng Shui Today – an online magazine for the modern professional and avid enthusiast!

The solar Year of the Ji Wei Goat (乙未) commences at 12.09 pm LST on the 4th of February and this year the IFSA Australia Chapter is hosting a Chinese New Year Dinner on the 7th February to update and celebrate!

So if you would like to know more about preparing yourself and your home to make the most of the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead, then come along and let our expert speakers advise you on the prospects and obstacles that the Year of the Wood Goat will bring.

This year the dinner will be held in the private function room of the Bamboo House Restaurant in Melbourne’s Chinatown and commences at 6.30 pm.  Our speakers are:

• Tyler J. Rowe – Health Forecast for the Wood Goat Year
• Edgar (Lok Tin) Yung – Feng Shui & Chinese Astrology Forecast for 2015
• Janene Laird (AFSM) – Cleanse & Prepare your Home to Receive Cai Shen (God of Wealth) in 2015

Tickets are now on sale via our secure Online Shop at www.intfsa.org.au and prices include 3 speakers, a delicious eight course Banquet, door prizes and a goody bag filled with a fabulous selection of Feng Shui items.  So grab your ticket today and we’ll see you there!

On the international scene, the IFSA Australia Chapter hosted the 11th Annual Feng Shui Convention (IFSC) in Melbourne over the weekend of the 15th & 16th of November, 2014. Titled Feng Shui & Destiny – Generating Health & Prosperity, this was a great event which not only showcased speakers from Australia and many parts of the world, but also provided a wonderful opportunity for our international and local Feng Shui community to network, share information and generally enjoy each other’s company.

The 2 day Convention kicked off with an exclusive IFSA Members Only Dinner on the Friday evening, which was sponsored by IFSA & IFSA Australia Chapter. Our guests were treated to a didge performance by a member of the local Wurundjeri tribe, before tucking into their barbecue buffet dinner.

Following the first full day of presentations, the Delegates Dinner was then held on Saturday evening and this was fully booked with some 100 people clearly enjoying both the delicious meal and the great company of their Feng Shui colleagues.  A special thank you goes out to Dr. Stephen Skinner for sponsoring all the speakers dinners!

With everyone wined and dined, our attention for the evening turned to the entertainment and once again (much to everyone’s delight) Grand Masters Tan Khoon Yong and Vincent Koh showed that they have skills which extend far beyond the realms of Feng Shui. Singing was their choice this year and they were soon joined by Grand Master Raymond Lo and many others who all took it in turn to sing a song or recite a poem which was sentimental to them and their country. So watch out for this year’s IFSC Gala Dinner, as maybe we’ll see the Grand Masters surprising us with their song and dance skills!

This year the 12th Annual IFSC is to be held in Shanghai on October the 24th & 25th and Early Bird Tickets will be available shortly via the fabulous new IFSA Singapore website. So book your flight early and reserve your accommodation as this year promises to be bigger and better than ever!

Finally back to this issue of Feng Shui Today and once again our feature articles come to us from some of our leading practitioners and masters. Topics include Zodiac Forecast for 2015 by Grand Master Vincent Koh, Feng Shui Update for the Year of the Wood Goat by Master Janene Laird, Heaven Luck Predictions for the Year of the Goat by Edgar Lok Tin Yung, Flight QZ 8501 & Feng Shui of Air Asia Office in Surabaya by Dr. Mauro Rahardjo, Wealth Vase by Master Jancy Tan-Lew, Kaffir Lime – The Magic Fruit by Master Jenny Ng, Vibration & Feng Shui by Master S. BS Surendran, Feng Shui of Marina Bay Sands by Master Lim Eng Cheong and Feng Shui & Contentment by Juliana Abram.

With our regular articles, Feng Shui Tips shares some wonderful advice to help you cleanse & prepare your home to receive Cai Shen (God of Wealth) this Lunar New Year.
In Ask Melynda our resident expert answers reader’s questions on Chinese Astrology or Bazi and remember that if you have anything you would like to ask Melynda, then just email us at editor@fengshuitoday.com and she’ll answer them in our next edition.

In Classical Corner Tyler J. Rowe brings us ‘Practical Applications of Ancient Classics’ and in this issue he looks at The Characters of the New Year.  When evaluating the oncoming year with Chinese Astrology we rely heavily on the Year Pillar, assessing the qualities associated with the stem and branch.  Whilst we know that each have correspondences in yin yang, five elements, seasons, planets, trigrams, directions and channels etc, the underlying meaning of the characters themselves is often overlooked.  What do they really mean? For the answer, as always, he turns to the classics.

Finally in Profile of a Master we are pleased to sit down and chat with Master S. BS Surendran. A practicing Vaastu Consultant for over 15 years and a top rated and accredited Feng Shui Master, Surendran is a product of the traditional and authentic schools of Feng Shui, having been trained under many Grand Masters from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. His specialty is Vaastu corrections through Feng Shui, Authentic Chinese Feng Shui, Pyramid Science and Dowsing.

A contributing weekly columnist and writer for many leading international and national publications, Master Surendran has also been featured in many magazines and newspapers for his unique approach. A professionally trained Geomancer, he has been the recipient of Advanced Luopan formulae, Flying Star Feng Shui, Bazi (Four Pillars of Destiny) analysis and authentic Vaastu science under India Gurus with a flair to blend these most wonderful arts without violation or contradiction to each of the respective sciences.

So why not take a well-deserved break and enjoy our Chinese New Year edition of Feng Shui Today.  As always we have done our best to bring you a magazine that is full of great advice, useful tips and informative articles.

Janene Laird (AFSM)

Feng Shui Today

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