In this months e-magazine Jerry King guides us through some of the methods used to formulate annual predictions and what these reveal for the coming Year of the Water Drgaon. Jerry received private BaZi (八字) Four Pillars of Destiny and I Ching training from Dr. Lily Chung in San Francisco, a world renowned expert in Eastern Metaphysics, specializing in Four Pillars and the I Ching. He has also studied Feng Shui and Four Pillars under various masters in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Jerry specializes in Purple Star Astrology (紫微斗數) readings and travels extensively, consulting globally and obtaining research data and verifying theories of cosmic flow in the Four Pillars of Destiny.
Prior to looking into the year of the Dragon, I would like to explain how interpretations, predictions, and analysis are made about the year. There are many different schools of thought in terms how we predict world events throughout the year. One method is to utilize the Four Pillars of the ruler, which is often referred to as the Grand Duke. Another approach is to interpret the year through the use of the Annual Stars. By gathering data and information from the past, we can use such data to try to predict the future based upon patterns. It is a combination of logic and statistics, not superstition.

Period 8 Flying Star