Home BusinessOffice QZ 8501 and Feng Shui of Air Asia Office in Surabaya

QZ 8501 and Feng Shui of Air Asia Office in Surabaya

by Dr Mauro Rahardjo

So far 2014 has been perhaps the worst year for the fortunes of commercial flights, with at least four incidents of flight disasters occurring.

On the early morning of 28th December, the world was again shocked as Air Asia QZ 8501 went missing during its flight from Surabaya to Singapore. For Feng Shui practitioners, a tragic incident such as this focuses their concern not only on the Technical matter, Human error and Natural hazards, but they also question whether there is an issue with the Feng Shui of the Air Asia Office in Surabaya. Firstly was it suffering from bad Feng Shui when the disaster occurred and secondly was the chief pilot and Air Asia CEO, Tony Fernandez in a bad luck period during this time?

The second question may be answered by others who examine the Four Pillar of Destiny (Ba Zi). However the purpose of this article is to examine the environmental and Feng Shui factors of the Air Asia office in Surabaya and determine their relationship with the accident.

the one story office building is pinched between two tall towers
the one story office building is pinched between two tall towers

Air Asia Office in Surabaya and its surroundings

The Air Asia office is located at Tunjungan Plaza Mall in the centre of Surabaya.  However it is more easily accessible from the Sheraton Hotel. Tunjungan Plaza (TP) is the most famous mall in Surabaya, which is the second largest city in Indonesia.  Not only is the Plaza located in the centre of the city, but it is also the biggest mall and connected to two towers – the Sheraton Hotel and the Condominium Regency. The office of Air Asia is located within this commercial building complex (see picture).

The Air Asia Office is positioned between the two towers of the Sheraton Hotel in the South and the Condominium Regency in the East. The office is only a one story building, although it is part of and attached to the Condominium.  Therefore this office is ‘pinched’ between the two larger towers, such that it is a small short building mass compared to the two high buildings which stand on either side. This is identified as bad Feng Shui for the office.

The Tunjungan Plaza Mall (TP) has also been extended four times. From TP-1, TP-2, TP-3, TP-4 and at the present time TP-5 and TP-6 are under construction. In fact the new mall construction is actually taking place directly across from the Air Asia office.

In Feng Shui we recognize that buildings are affected by their surroundings. In this case the current large scale construction shakes and vibrates the earth, which impacts and affects the surrounding QI energy. In turn any buildings with an entrance facing this point of construction may be affected for good or bad.

corridor beam stabs the office air asia surabaya
corridor beam stabs the office air asia surabaya

Corridor beam stabs the office

The two towers are accessed via a circular road and a round shaped covered walkway also connects the Sheraton Hotel and the Regency Condominium.

The position of the Air Asia office is awkward, as the roof beams of the corridor (from both left and right direction) stab the office space, as can be seen in the photos below. Just imagine your HEAD pierced with two strong arrows from either side.

Furthermore the circular road and round shaped walkway acts as a ‘knife’ slicing the front of the office and creating bad Qi.  Such conditions are not suitable Feng Shui for any commercial office location.

bad qi road cuts air asia surabaya office
bad qi road cuts air asia surabaya office

The Air Asia office faces North West and as most of us know, the NORTH WEST sector (including those North West facing buildings) is the worst direction in 2014. All buildings which face towards North West in 2014 are visited by Yellow Star-5 (Wu Huang), which carries negative Qi energy.

Of course in theory, the bad energy only works in a negative manner when there is a trigger in front of the North West facing door. Unfortunately the current construction work on TP-6 is taking place exactly in front of the North West door of the Air Asia office and this may in fact amplify the bad energy of the Yellow Star-5 to work unexpectedly; resulting in a negative impact in the flight operation of QZ 8501.

An awkward location of Air Asia Office

In summary we can point to four Sha Qi (killing Qi) affecting the Air Asia office in Surabaya.

  1. The office is pinched between the two massive towers of the Sheraton Hotel and the Regency Condominium.
  2. The office position is threatened by structural beams from two sides.
  3. The circular road and round shaped covered walkway ‘slice’ the office.
  4. The Air Asia office door faces North West, which is the worst negative energy in 2014. This direction was in turn continually triggered by the new construction of TP-6.

Whether this Feng Shui Audit conclusion has any relationship with the recent QZ 8501 incident or not is certainly open to further discussion. However surely it is not such a coincidence.

In my experience, many business people are unaware about the influence of negative Feng Shui on their places of work (office, shop, factory, workshop etc) and they only know something bad occurs to their business, employees or customers when it is already too late.

Therefore further investigation and research needs to be done in order to identify and possibly avoid any unexpected accidents or incidents in the future.

north west door of the air asia office surabaya
north west door of the air asia office surabaya
airasia tunjungan plaza 6
airasia tunjungan plaza 6

Construction of expanded Tunjungan Plaza 6 Mall right in front of the Air Asia office producing shakes and vibration; triggering the bad Qi from 5 Yellow star in the NW

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