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Vaastu Energy Fields and Flooring

by Master Surendran

Vaastu or Feng Shui is not just about building structures, which are supposed to usher in “luck”; it is a lot more than that. It is the art of spacing, positioning, planning and orienting not just the structure but even the furnishings to offer greater support to the occupants. In short, it is the study of the energy around the occupants, its cause and effect and the effect of the immediate surroundings or environment.

SNAGARIn simple terms, Vaastu is the reflection of love and affection between the occupants and their abode. The “Swastik”   and “Om” represent the  flow of auspicious energy and creates an opportunity for the proper development of the mind, body and soul and in turn generate positive thoughts for all round development. Similarly, Vaastu science harmonizes the Universal cosmic energy for the benefit of mankind and most importantly the well documented and logical tenets ensure that all buildings and structures are in harmony with the nature and the immediate environment.

There are many types of Vaastu imbalances in a place of dwelling as we are subjected to many kinds of energy fields like, solar energy fields due to movement of sun, geo magnetic fields due to the magnetic field interaction and rotation of the earth, thermal imbalance due to temperature rise etc.

Research has discovered that most often one side of a house is subjected to intense solar radiation, while the other side remains in shadow region. This gives rise to the formation of what is known as “thermocouple” in the space around the house and leads to an energy imbalance in the premises. Higher the imbalance more severe would be its effect on the occupants. This kind of imbalance gives rise to the formation of” nodes” and these ‘nodes “are nothing but distorted energy fields. These nodes trap the sub atomic particles traveling along these fields and start resonating to give rise to micro level hazardous radiations which affect the existence of life forms, or in other words the occupants of the home.

When left unchecked these thermal imbalances impede the smooth flow of energy in and around the place of dwelling. The art of restoring the imbalance or equalize the thermal difference and provide a harmonious place of dwelling is the key to Good Vaastu. Some of the general guidelines to counter thermal imbalance in a place of dwelling are:-

  • More open spaces in the north and east direction.
  • Thicker walls and no openings in the south side.
  • Planting more greenery or trees in the south to have humid environment.
  • Most importantly choosing good flooring.

Floorings in a building not only breathes life in terms of décor and aesthetics but it also defines how the Energy (known as chi in Feng Shui) flows there. Careful selection of materials means that you can fine-tune the atmosphere of your house or apartment. Big surface areas, such as flooring, will have the greatest influence, and it is worth taking great care over the materials you use.

YELLOW Flooring plays a significant role in beautifying the look of the house. Flooring can be natural wood, stone, wool or earth. Among the natural segment flooring we have marbles, granite and slate. Marble has never been out of fashion and is available in a variety of colors. Bricks are Available in different shades of red and orange can also be used as ethnic flooring. In some parts of the world bamboo floorings are also used and they give a feel of staying connected to nature.

Natural materials tend to carry the chi energy more easily than synthetic materials an example of this is wood, where the Energy (chi) continues to flow along the grain.

Some of the synthetic materials impede the passage of chi and creates stagnating energy fields within your home and build up static electricity (if the material is Nylon) and this interferes with the Feng Shui of your place and your personal energy field or your “aura”. However if it is rough textured surfaces (such as a wool carpet) it slow down the chi , making it more yin, and hard or shiny surfaces (such as ceramic tiles) speed up the flow of chi, creating a more yang atmosphere. One can comprehend from this that the type and color of flooring contributes towards better energy flow and in turn good Vaastu or Feng Shui of the place.

Vaastu prescribes the use of natural materials so floorings out of natural earth out of materials like mosaic, ceramic tiles and marbles are acceptable. By adapting Vaastu we could harmonize the sectors of the home based on the five elements by choosing the appropriate material and color of flooring.

SOCIETYIEach type of material encourages a certain flow of chi hence applying the transparency of the eight directions; you can establish which materials naturally suit each part of your home. Using the specific materials will lead to a more harmonious exchange of chi and will develop distinct atmospheres in each part of your home. For example you could think of:-

White marble which enhances positive energy source and it reflects and polarizes sunlight at the Northeast sector. The Northeast sector in Vaastu termed as “Eeshanya” (also refereed to as positive or god’s corner) is the sector which is earmarked for underwater storage tanks in Vaastu.

  • Shades of Yellow like the popular Indian “Jaisalmer Yellow” towards Southwest is good. Southwest is the sector which is ear marked for rocks, high walls and heaviness as it is referred to as “Niruthya” ( negative corner ) hence it is said in Vaastu that Southwest should be heavier so colors which are brighter and look “heavy “ are chosen.
  • Shades of Blue or grains or tinge of blue on white base or marble like the popular “Kota or Blue tandoor” from the State of Rajasthan at Northwest sector is preferred. Northwest in Vaastu is referred to as “Vayu” (wind energy) hence such lighter shades of colors are chosen.
  • Red stone or shades of Pink are considered very appropriate for the Southeast sector of the building.

By knowing the compass directions and the relevant sectors in your plot, you could adapt a blend of design and aesthetics by choosing appropriate flooring. On the other hand, you could introduce the colors required for the sectors in the form of floor décor in case you prefer to have a uniform floor color throughout the house.

Vaastu or Feng Shui is not “faith healing” or a “superstitious” practice but a tool to harness the nature’s energy to resonate with the occupants.

By doing so, your “Nest” is not only vibrant with good energy and prosperity but motivates the occupants to “Think better, Live better”.

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