Home Ask Madam Lee Water Feature Placement

Water Feature Placement

by Madam Lee

In our regular feature ‘Ask Madam Lee’ we’ll take your most puzzling questions or persistent problems and ask our resident Feng Shui ‘expert’ Madam Lee to advise and guide you.  So if you have any Feng Shui or Chinese Astrology questions email them to us at madam.lee@fengshuitoday.com and we’ll publish her response in our next edition.

Dear Madam Lee, so often I read and hear about the benefits of having a water feature placed in my home according to Feng Shui principles. However I must confess that I find all of the guidelines to be quite confusing and just don’t know where to put my fountain. Is it really necessary to have a water feature placed in my home in order to achieve the personal and professional success I seek?  Furthermore no-one seems to speak much about Fire in the home, except to give general recommendations such as the stove should not be located next to or opposite the sink as this creates a conflict between Water and Fire. As I am about to renovate my kitchen I would really appreciate some guidance in this area.   Jessie M. Atlanta USA

In the last ten years I have seen an increasing emphasis in Feng Shui on water and the pursuit of wealth. People have swimming pools, fountains, water features, aquariums and often huge fishponds in their home. However as much as water is important, excess of and poorly placed water contributes to excessive emotions, drinking, gambling, affairs, scandals and often the loss of money.
Our daily news and current affairs are loaded with items relating to all of these excessive water related emotions, and yet what many are really lamenting is the loss of family values, the hearth and home, stability and spiritual inspiration.  
The ‘Hearth’ is missing today from many homes. As we are seduced into a world of convenience we no longer have ‘fire’ in our homes or in our lives. Such emptiness leads us to seek fire in other ways (such as smoking, alcohol and drugs) in order to get the spiritual or inspirational high that we crave.  Fire ascends and water descends; fire is inspiration and spirituality and yet our homes no longer have a fire in the fireplace or even allow us to cook our food with fire. So often we warm our homes with ducted heating, prepare our food with microwave ovens, eat out at restaurants or simply order take away. 
In addition modern homes frequently seem to place the kitchen in the North (the place of water) and so the stove and fire is weak and these homes are often for sale within two years of being occupied.
Understanding fire and fire placement is very important for individuals, as well as the whole family. Well placed fire can help to keep people inspired, light, enthusiastic, balanced and able to ‘see’ and grasp opportunities.

In Traditional Feng Shui there are 3 rings on the Lopan which are used to calculate good fire placement; in conjunction of course with the occupant’s date of birth and their individual relationship to the placement of fire. These were taught to me over many years by my mentor and teacher, Master Henry Liu. Each lesson would be followed by him saying, “Please observe and work with this information and understand it deeply before we move on”.

A Feng Shui consultation of your home should therefore always includes an evaluation of fire. After all we not only need our heart in our own body to live, but we also need the heart and hearth in our home.

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Chris H March 2, 2020 - 2:14 pm

The tile is Water Feature Placement. Did I miss the answer?

Editor March 3, 2020 - 8:03 pm

Hi Chris, fair comment. The problem is the answer will be specific to your house, both its facing direction and year of construction. We we look to see if we can improve on this information going forward. For annual information on where to add a water feature watch this video https://www.fengshuistyle.com/year-of-the-metal-rat-2020-feng-shui-tips/ Regards Editor


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