Home Archive Wrap up of the 13th IFSC Bangkok 2016

Wrap up of the 13th IFSC Bangkok 2016

by Senior Master Janene Laird
Wrap up of the 13th IFSC Bangkok 2016


ifsa president  mr darren ng

IFSA President – Mr Darren Ng

The International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) held it’s 13th annual International Feng Shui Convention (IFSC) in Bangkok over the weekend of the 26th & 27th of November 2016.  Many thanks to Kun Roongpetch Limswatwong for hosting the event at her lovely S31 Hotel, Sukhamvit.

13th ifsc programme

Feng Shui for Success – Business and Home was the theme for this year’s IFSC and the event attracted over 150 delegates from all around the world.  As always a genuine feeling of joy and excitement was present amongst delegates and speakers as everyone gathered in the foyer on Saturday morning to take photos and renew friendships with like minded colleagues and friends.  In fact the strong sense of ‘family’ which prevails at each and every IFSC is a mark of the International Feng Shui Association and a credit to the vision, dedication and work of President Mr. Darren Ng and founding Exco members GM Tan Khoon Yong, GM Raymond Lo, GM Vincent Koh and GM Dr. Stephen Skinner.

conferment of master jen stone

Conferment of Master Jen Stone

Official proceedings commenced with a welcome speech by IFSA President – Mr. Darren Ng, before the Grand Masters of the IFSA Executive Committee conferred the title of Accredited Master to this year’s most worthy recipient, Jen Stone.  Congratulations to Master Jen Stone who made the long trip (with her very supportive husband) all the way from the United States to personally receive this honor.

The IFSA Executive Committee then officially opened the 13th annual IFSC with a brief ribbon cutting ceremony and GM Tan presented the host Kun Roong with one of his original pieces of artwork, as a token of appreciation.

Our Master of Ceremony for the first day of the IFSC was GM Vincent Koh and he graciously introduced GM Grianggrai Boontaganon from Thailand who delivered the Keynote Presentation on Feng Shui & Destiny of ASEAN.

The Association of South East Nations (ASEAN) is a region with a lot of potential, due in great part to its abundant resources, workforce and business opportunities.  As such many foreign countries have already wisely invested in this region. In this presentation GM Grianggrai analysed the countries already within ASEAN and used his more than 60 years of Feng Shui & Destiny experience to predict which ones would be more likely to benefit the most in the coming years.

gm vincent koh

GM Vincent Koh

GM Raymond Lo from Hong Kong was the second speaker on day 1 and  Four Pillars of Destiny for Business Success in 2017 was his presentation topic.   The Four Pillars of Destiny not only reflects a person’s career potential and direction, but also provides accurate indications for business and career opportunities.  During his talk GM Lo examined the Four Pillars of some famous people in different fields of industry, in order to show factors which have contributed to their overall prosperity and success.  From these examples we can not only derive guidelines for choosing the right career or industry, but also for making good investments in the coming year of the Yin Fire Rooster.

Following the lunch break it was the turn of GM Dr. Stephen Skinner to present his topic on Integrating Eight Mansion Feng Shui with Flying Star Formulae.  The apparent different results obtained when using Flying Star analysis and Eight Mansion formulae are often seen to conflict.  However this is resolved once you realize that these two systems actually measure different things and when understood correctly, can in fact be used as perfectly complimentary systems.

Master Cristina Groza from Romania was the next speaker and her presentation on Boost up the Prosperity – from Theory to Reality, was indeed very entertaining. Via a parable and a video she led us through a journey of discovery on what prosperity means in terms of Feng Shui and how this practice can help us to find the cause and cure for ‘blockages’ we encounter during our lifetime.  In fact many famous people use Feng Shui on a regular basis and regard it as an essential business tool, such as American billionaire and philanthropist JP Morgan who once said: “Millionaires don’t use Feng Shui, billionaires do”.

gm grianggrai boontaganon

GM Grianggrai Boontaganon

The final speaker on day 1 was Master Petra Coll-Exposito from Germany.  In her presentation on Different Approaches of Analyzing the Flying Stars, she focused on how the interpretation of a home’s Flying Stars may present a challenge for some consultants.  However by applying the various levels of analysis which this method offers, it is possible to either interpret the sectors via the respective stars or analyze more deeply the lives of the occupants.  Master Petra then demonstrated this via case studies from her many years of professional practice.

gm raymond lo

GM Raymond Lo

Master Goh Guan Leong was the Master of Ceremony for day 2 of the Bangkok IFSC and he introduced Dr. Theera Piroonratana from Thailand as the first speaker, with his presentation focusing on the topic of Large Scale Qi Men Dun Jia Deployment.  After practicing traditional QMDJ for many years, Dr. Theera discovered that determining a clear outcome utilizing this method was more difficult as there are many factors to consider which are often uncontrollable and highly variable.  However by combining both Yin and Yang aspects of QMDJ, he has found this to be more effective when applying to the real world.  As a result he feels that this method has opened a new path to the application of QMDJ ‘Life Enhancement’ and allowed him to better respond to living life in harmony with nature, rather than forcing or going against it.

The Power of 9 was the topic for the next speaker, Master S.B.S Surendran from India.  Numbers have played a major role from time immemorial across all cultures and civilizations.  It is believed that numbers are energies and have a special significance in many metaphysical sciences and traditional astro-analysis.  From Vedic astrology to modern day science, certain numbers are particularly special and one such number is nine (9).  In the science of metaphysics and space analysis, numbers also play a vital role, especially the number 9.  Furthermore in the science of Feng Shui the next important phase is the Age of 9, or Period 9.  To understand the significance of such a numeral is therefore important and through this presentation Master Surendran provided delegates with an insight into the Power of 9, the uniqueness of the numeral, its relevance in other cultures and its adaptation in Feng Shui, I Ching, building and astro-analysis.

gm tan khoon yong and gm vincent koh   karaoke

GM Tan Khoon Yong and GM Vincent Koh – Karaoke Kings!

Following the lunch break on day 2, architect and Feng Shui Master Anita Zou from Indonesia presented on the topic of Designing for Wealth and Health. Knowing various design parameters and languages is important for Feng Shui practitioners, as it allows us to translate our advice and recommendations into something which is workable and tasteful.  In this talk Master Anita discussed various exterior and interior design principles related to Feng Shui elements and illustrated them via case studies to demonstrate how proportion, color scheme and placement contribute heavily to creating auspicious living spaces.  In addition a number of building biology principles such as geopathic stress, EMF pollutions, indoor air quality analysis and healthy building materials is utilized in order to compliment Feng Shui practices and create an environment which is truly conducive to maintaining good health and financial security.

Master Janene Laird from Australia was the next speaker at this year’s IFSC and her presentation focused on Incorporating 4 Pillars of Destiny into your Feng Shui Consultation.  Four Pillars of Destiny is a scientific tool used to reveal the energetic components of a person according to their date of birth.  This traditional Chinese Metaphysical practice has a clear link with Feng Shui via a strong emphasis on the Five Element Theory.  The information revealed by analysis can influence a Feng Shui consultation as favorable elements, colours and directions are utilized to recommend personal choices in décor and arrangement of living and working spaces.  In this talk Master Janene shared some ways in which she incorporates the Four Pillars of Destiny into her Feng Shui practice and how the selection of soft furnishings, furniture placement and bed or desk orientation can better support general well-being and potential for success.

The final speaker on day 2 of the Bangkok IFSC was the very charming and debonair GM Tan Khoon Yong from Singapore and his topic covered the Art of Feng Shui: Empowering Harmony in Modern Architecture.  In contemporary architectural residential Feng Shui, demand goes beyond just having a cozy, elegant interior.  The exterior should also be fashionable and pleasing to the eye.  In fact when making adjustments to the Feng Shui of a building, every aspect should be thoroughly examined.  Besides incorporating traditional Feng Shui principles, are there other factors to consider when building luxury residences?  For commercial structures, how can we find a balance between optimality and practicality?  Via various case studies and decades of experience, GM Tan helped our delegates to discover that fusion of Feng Shui, art and architecture can indeed result in the construction of the perfect building for harmonious balance.

'We are the World' - IFSC Bangkok Gala Dinner

‘We are the World’ – IFSC Bangkok Gala Dinner

Following the final presentation, IFSA President Mr. Darren Ng wrapped up the 2016 Bangkok IFSC with the speaker presentations, before formally announcing that the 2017 IFSC is to be held on the 18th & 19th of November  in Manila!  He then invited all delegates to come together once again next year for this annual 2 day event, which most importantly facilitates the sharing and discussion of Feng Shui experience and knowledge among enthusiasts and practitioners of various levels and schools.  Whilst the speakers list is yet to be announced, the theme for IFSC Manila is Ancient Solutions for Modern Times and Early Bird registration and tickets are now available at http://www.fengshui-convention.com.  Hope to see you there!

Finally after two days of professional development sessions with ten formal presentations, numerous informal discussions and ample networking opportunities it was time on Sunday evening for the IFSC delegates to relax and enjoy the Gala Dinner.  The addition of a karaoke band proved to be a great hit this year and it wasn’t long before everyone was singing their favorite songs, dancing and even joining together to form one very long conga line, which I might add was led by GM Raymond Lo!

The culmination of the dinner (and indeed the entire event) came when the IFSC delegates gathered together and sang ‘We are the World’.  This not only embodied the spirit of harmony, unity and family which has become the calling card of the International Feng Shui Association, but it was also a fitting end to another very successful, informative and friendly International Feng Shui Convention. Well done IFSA and we’ll see you all next November in Manila!

all systems are go for ifsc manila 2017

All systems are go for IFSC Manila 2017!


14th ifsc in manila 18 19th november 2017

14th IFSC in Manila 18-19th November 2017



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