Home Archive Year of the Water Snake: Feng Shui Predictions for 2013

Year of the Water Snake: Feng Shui Predictions for 2013

by Edgar Lok Tin Yung
 Master Edgar (Lok Tin) Yung has been using Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, Bazi and Zi Wei Dou Shu to help the Chinese community in Melbourne since early 2000. He also writes weekly Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology articles for two Melbourne based Chinese magazines.  In this article Edgar details his Chinese Astrology Predictions for the 2013 Water Snake Year ahead.
Predictions for 2013 the Year of the Snake – by Edgar Lok Tin Yung
Most Chinese Astrology Consultants or Feng Shui Masters nowadays just use the ‘Start of Spring (立春日)’ day and time plus the year and month in Lunar Calendar to construct a Four Pillars chart to predict events for the coming year.  In my opinion, using the ‘Start of Spring day’ and time to predict for the coming year is wrong. The Four Pillar chart is to predict personal luck. It does not predict Heaven Luck or world issues. Yearly prediction should use the Jia zi (甲子) cycles (Sexagenary cycle) and look at three different levels using the elements of heavenly Stem and earthly branch of the year. The three levels are:
1. The Heaven Luck (predicts major issues of the world and weather).
2. The Earth Luck (Arranges home and office using Feng Shui.).
3. The Man Luck (predicts individual luck in the year of snake).
There will be articles for each topic. Here is the Heaven luck.
2013 – The Heaven Luck
Heaven Luck is to predict major world events and weather in the following year. The energy kicks in when the Earth is passing the Winter Solstice, normally on the 21st or 22nd in December each year.  In 2012 year of the Dragon predictions, I mentioned: “According to calculation, the year of the Snake 2013 will be even worse in term of natural disasters.”
So let’s see what may happen.
The Heavenly Stem for 2013 year of the Snake is Yin Water Gui (癸).
The Earthly Branch underneath is Fire Si (巳) and its animal sign is Snake. The hidden elements are Earth and Metal.
Yin Water sits on Fire is in conflict. The Fire element underneath is controlled by the Water. So the Fire element is weakening. This means the bottom level will be suppressed by the top levels. Regardless public or private organizations, the top levels will suppress the bottom levels, especially in the second half of the year in 2013. With the elements of the stem and branch combine, we get these pictures.
fire volcano
 There are a few things we can predict from these pictures.
1. There will be fire burning out of control, most likely in South East area.
2. There will be electricity problem.
3. Severe volcano eruption which brings earthquake, most likely in South America or Europe.
This is the Chinese character of Si 巳. Its animal sign is snake. Snake is a long animal and symbolizes a train. So we may see more accidents or problems in relation to trains, such as derailing or crash.  There are 177 at-grade rail road level crossings within Melbourne’s metropolitan rail network and there may be more incidents related to railways crossing in the year of Snake.  June 4, 1989 Year of the Snake – Ufa train disaster, Soviet Union: 575 people are killed and over 600 wounded when two trains pass near a leaking natural gas line which explodes. (fire) Snake symbolizes Roller coaster. There are incidents related to roller coaster from theme parks located in Europe or in South America.
In health issue the Fire element could be circulation system, heart problems, small intestines and eyes including iris and cornea. We will see more such incidents happen during the Year of the Snake. For your own health benefit, I suggest you take health supplements such as Omega 3 fish oil, vitamin C, E to reduce cholesterol and prevent blockage of the arteries.  Snake is a symbol generally used by the medical research fields. So there will be discovery of new drugs or inventions in cure of heart disease or blood circulation system issues.  Snake is the birth place of Metal. Metal is one of the hidden elements stored inside the Snake and this will be pulled out in the Rooster month (September 2013).
The Metal industries will become active again and these include mining (gold, silver, iron ore, cupper), banking, and finance. Such commodities price will go up.  Metal is also weapons. Metal hidden in the Snake (fire) is related to nuclear explosion, nuclear disasters or nuclear testing. It is most likely to happen in the Rooster and Dog (September/October) month in 2013. Previously there were 2 tests done in October 1953 – Year of the Snake at Emu Field in South Australia.
The Joy is suppressed, be kind!
The year of the Snake 2013, Yin water sits on Fire. In Five Element theory Fire represents joy and courtesy and Water is Fear. The Water on top suppresses the Fire below (Joy and Courtesy), so people will be easily impatient and rude. There will be lots of rebellions and protests all over the world and protestors may use fire, fuel bombs and explosives…The bridge element for the year of the Snake is Wood. As Water feeds Wood and Wood feed Fire. Wood can reduce the conflict between Water and Fire. The Wood represents kindness in Five element. So the top levels must be kind to their subordinates. Leaders must implement kind policies for their citizens.  Be very careful in May, August and November 2013 if you are speculating on the share market. Transportation, aviation, logistic, shipping, retail stocks will notbe doing well in 2013.
2012 and 2013 “Long Flow Water”
“壬辰癸巳长流水”this means the Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch combine and they produce WATER element for 2012 and 2013. It has a special name called “Long Flow Water” which means that water flows persistently in 2012 and 2013.  Again there are water problems. So incidents related to water, logistics, transportation, flooding, tsunamis and avalanches will be still on the news a lot in the Year of the Snake.
In addition 2013 – Year of the Snake, is the same as the year of the Dragon in that it has 10 Dragons producing Water. Each year the more the Dragons (maximum up to 12) that produce water, the more rainfall it produces for the year. 

2013 – The Earth Luck

In 2013 – Year of the Snake, the annual Feng Shui flying star number 5 (5 Yellow) is located in the centre palace. Annual star 5 Yellow is Earth element and represents misfortune and obstacles. Earth also relates to the digestive system so there will be more cases of gastro and food poisoning. When you are travelling make sure you eat fresh and hygienic food, especially if you were born in the Year of the Pig.  Earth Luck is the Feng Shui components of our house and office in the year of the Snake. It is to deal with the good and bad energy or Qi where we live, work and play. We need to activate the good energy / Qi and balance the bad energy /Qi.  Each year, there are three big Sha (煞氣Bad Energy) and two lucky stars flying around. These three Sha have the power to override any natal flying stars chart combination regardless how good the flying star chart is. These three Sha are called the Grand duke or Tai Sui(太歲), Three-killings (三煞) and Five Yellow (五黃). The two positive energy or lucky stars are number 6 and 8. If you avoid the big Sha Qi, activate the number-6 (power) star and number-8 (money) star, you will have a nice Year of the Snake to come.Here are the positions for the good and bad energy in the year of the Snake around your house.


1. Tai Sui (Grand Duke) – is located at the South East South in the Snake Position
2. San Sha (Three-killings) – arrives at the East
3. Five Yellow – It is landed at the Central Palace
4. The power and promotion star number 6 is at North West
5. The money and prosperity star number 8 is at North East
A Feng Shui saying stated that: “Avoid big Sha. Cure medium Sha. Neglect tiny Sha.” (大煞宜避, 中煞可制, 小煞不理) The number one rule to deal with Sha energy is NOT to disturb it. So “Move Earth”, digging ground or renovating those areas/sectors inside or outside the house is prohibited.
The South East South Si (142.5 – 157.5 巳字位) has Tai Sui Sha.
Tai Sui or Grand Duke is the yearly King. The Tai Sui locates at the South East South in the Year of the Snake. The Si belongs to Xun Gwa (巽卦) and it is soft Wood element. It is related to the soft wood system in our body including, hair, the liver, the gall bladder, arms, legs and back, so the health issues related to soft wood element could be hair loss, liver problems (alcoholic problems), gall bladder stone, broken arms and legs if the main door is facing Southeast South. Lady’s age 40 – 59 should pay more attention if living in such a facing house.  The best way to minimize bad luck and sickness is not to stir up the yearly bad energy spots/sector. Yearly bad energy is like a sleeping tiger. It will be fine if the sleeping tiger has not been disturbed. However, if the tiger is awakened, it will bite you. ‘Move Earth’ or renovation, will wake the tiger (Bad Energy) up, so DO NOT dig, nail, chisel and renovate the Tai Sui sector including the floor, ground, garden, and the walls inside and outside.
If your house is facing Southeast South or the main door is located at the Tai Sui sector Southeast south, be sure to close the door slowly and gently when coming in or going out, as loud noise, sound waves vibration, can trigger the bad energy too. To reduce the impact of the Tai Sui, place a round metal objects such as round metal vase near the South East South facing door. If you are hanging a wind chime, make sure you use a metal one with only 4 pipes.
The Three-Killings comes to the East sector (Zhen Gwa 震卦67.5 – 112.5)
The East sector gets the Three-Killings in 2013 and it covers a very big area. Three-killings represent lawsuits, gossip and arguments. It is at the elder son’s area (age 40 – 59).  The East sector is Wood element. In health it is related to the arms, legs, back, livers, and hips. If a house is facing East or the main door located at the East sector, the Elder son of house would easily have such problems.  In the big scale, the East sector of China is Shanghai and further east is Japan and Korea. In 2013 – Year of the Snake, it will not be very stable in these areas and there will be more water related incidents or earthquakes, Tsunamis, nuclear explosions, fire or gas explosions. There will be a lot more lawsuits, arguments or even military actions in 2013.
Make sure the East sector of the house is clean and tidy. Keep this area as quiet as possible. If the Three-Killing bad energy is disturbed, there will be 3 unfortunate incidents such as health issues, career problems, traffic accidents or lawsuits.  To minimize bad energy of the Three-Killing place a large metal vase or a round metal plate in the East sector of the house. Don’t keep fish tank with motor pump or large green pot plants in the area. You cannot change the main door position, but you can move yourself away from the bad energy areas.
The Five Yellow is at the Heaven heart – The Centre
The Five Yellow is a bad star. It represents misfortune and obstacle. In the Year of the Snake it lands at the centre of the house and this will affect everyone in the household. The Five Yellow star is earth element and brings issues related to the stomach, digestive system and gastro problems if the centre of the house is disturbed. It is advised not to burn candles or place large red object in the centre area.
The money star 8 and power star 6
The money annual star number 8 which means prosperity is located in the North East sector in 2013 – Year of the Snake. As mentioned above, it is related to finance. There are a few ways you can activate the money star.  You can move to and sleep at this area if there is a room. If there is a doorway, use it more often for coming in or going out. Place a ceramic vase or a ceramic made dog in the area. One thing you need to be aware of however is that at the Northeast North in the Ox position it has a bad energy called “Golden God Sha”. If you accidentally nail this area, it will bring eye problems.  The promotion annual star number 6 star comes to North West. Annual flying star number 6 is metal element and it represents power and promotion. To activate this area you need to place 6 x 20 cents coins with the heads face upward in this sector. Make sure you wash the coins first.
2013 – The Man Luck
In this part, it is the Man Luck predictions. Man Luck is about each and every one of us and how we do in 2013 – Year of the Snake.
Animal sign is calculated by the year of birth, but a very important concept to remember is that a FULL Chinese Astrology reading examines NOT only the year of birth but also the Month, the Day and the Birth Hour. It is difficult to completely and fully predict just by using the animal or Chinese zodiac signs on how each year will affect a person individually. Such animal sign astrology is not totally reliable as the system only examines 12.5% (1/8) or in some cases 25% (1/4) of the Four Pillars Natal Chart.  Furthermore, the animal signs astrology prediction does not automatically start on the Chinese New Year day. It starts at the individual’s birthday. For example, a person who was born in July 1980 (Year of the Monkey), the Year of the Snake starts on this person’s birthday in 2013 and ends at next birthday July in 2014. It is like an insurance policy calculation – always starts on the birthday of the year. Therefore for a more reliable assessment in all aspects of your life, it is recommended to check your Four Pillars of Destiny fully with a reputable Chinese Astrology consultant nearest you.
Based on the yearly Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch, some animal signs are more sensitive than others. The most sensitive animal signs affected by the Grand Duke or Tai Sui (太歲) in 2013 – Year of the Snake are the animal signs the Snake, the Pig, the Tiger and the Monkey!  The Heavenly Stem for 2013 – Year of the Snake is Yin Water Gui (癸). The Earthly Branch underneath is Yin Fire Si (巳) and its animal sign is Snake. There are hidden Earth and Metal elements in the Snake. Yin Water sitting on Yin Fire is in conflict. The Fire element underneath is controlled by the Water, so the Fire element is weakened as well as the Water element.
In health issues the Fire element could be the circulation system, heart problems, small intestines and eyes including iris and cornea. If there are more clashes or penalties with the Day Master in your Four Pillars Natal Chart then it may be a heart attack or eyes problems signal. The Si (巳Snake) is part of the Xun Gwa (巽卦) and it is soft Wood element. It is related to the soft wood system in our body including, hair, the liver, the gall bladder, arms, legs and the back. The Yin Fire element brings issues more for female.
For all animal signs firstly, as Wood element is the bridge element for the year so eat more fruit, vegetables and drink more water. This will help the digestive system to clear out some unwanted residues from the body. As a result it will make you healthier.  Take more exercises, but not intenseness. Snake, Pig, Tiger and Monkey should also avoid going to hospitals and funerals, especially for those who were born in these years: 1938, 1962, 1998, 1971, 1980, 1989, 1947.
So what does the Year of Snake 2013 hold for you?
2013snakeSnake (Born in 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)
Have a busy schedule and big pressure from every direction, especially from the boss. Heavy workload brings resentment and mental distress. Very high chance of having a lawsuit and lose significant amount of money. Luckily there is a Nobleman star for the Snake in the Year of the Snake. It means someone will finally lend you a hand. Avoid travelling to South East direction.
1977 – Year of the Fire Snake and 1989 Year of the Earth Snake. Those who are born in these two years must pay more attention to the above issues.
1989 – Year of the Earth Snake. They are turning 24 years old and will face a dilemma; to continues to study or not?
1977 – Year of the Fire Snake. They are turning 36 and will also face career change decision, especially for the female Snake. Should I pursue a better career or become a mother? (In such cases, it is recommended to consult with a Chinese astrology expert)
Health: Circulation systems, small intestines, eyes and hearts problems


Wealth: Hope for better reward
2013pigPig (Born in 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007),


Animal sign Pig clashes with the Snake, especially for those born in 1947 and 1959. Clash means easily confrontation with others, especially clashes with the Snake. The reason for this is that Pigs this year will be very much doing things for their own benefit and with little respect for others. The Pig becomes selfish.  Beware of lawsuit and relationship issue. There will be changes for the Pigs, such as career change, job change, position shuffle internally, school change, moving house or intensive traveling. There is the “Da Ho” (大耗) star for the Pig in the Year of Snake. Da Ho means ‘Big spending’ , so use your money wisely and carefully in 2013. In fact it is wise to buy something which will become more valuable in a few years’ time. Avoid risky investments in the Year of the Snake. Beware of contract terms, check paperwork thoroughly if a contract needs to be signed. Avoid travelling to the South East direction. For those animal Pig signs born in 1995, be very careful when driving after obtain your driving license. Clashing with the Year of the Snake easily causes traffic accidents, particularly at railway crossings. People who have dark and broken left side eye-brow are in higher risk.
Broken eye-brow looks like this:
Health: Eyes and hearts problems, bladder, prostate, urethra
Wealth: Hard to avoid the Da Ho (big spending), purchase something will become valuable in the 3 to 5 years’ time.
2013tigerTiger (Born in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
Tiger has a Penalty with the Snake so therefore you can easily make mistakes in the Year of the snake. An elderly family member may also become sick or pass away. Beware of someone you helped who turns back on you. So be low key and don’t show off or make noise about how you have helped someone. 7th August – 7th September in the Year of Snake is a full penalty month. Think twice before you take any action.
Health: Hair, the liver, the gall bladder, arms, legs and back
Wealth: 1974 born Tiger is better
2013monkeyMonkey (Born in 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)
Monkey not only combines but also has a Penalty with the Year of the Snake. There will be more opportunities turn up and meeting new friends.
There is a lucky star call ‘Nation Seal’國印 in the Monkey’s palace. The ‘Nation Seal’ gives the Monkey more power and control in the year of the Snake. Particularly for those Monkeys who have a female supervisor or boss. Combine means new partnerships and new joint ventures. However don’t be greedy or otherwise you may gain money and lose your friend which may lead to a lawsuit. Beware of smear or slander and implicated by others in Feburary.
Health: Liver, back, respiratory system
Wealth: Recovering
2013ratRat (Born 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)
The changes and new opportunities that came up in the year of the Dragon keep going nicely into the Year of the Snake. However be prepared and budget well for 2014 as itt is big year for the Rat. In the year of Snake the Rat may win or be given an award. For the Winter Rat born in November and December, be very careful in May and June months.


Health: Excretion system of your body, including, kidneys, urethra, prostate for male, bladders…
Wealth: Improving
2013oxOx (Born in 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
Smear or slander and implicated by others in the Year of the Dragon will slowly fade away. (President Obama, Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia both are Ox). It is not hard to see what had happened to them in 2012. Coming up in the Year of the Snake for the animal sign of Ox there will be new joint venture or co-operation with a new partners and as a result it brings in benefits to the Ox. For the working class Ox you will see more appreciation from your superior. An elderly person in the family may also have some health problems. There is a ‘White Tiger’白虎 star in the Ox palace and therefore there will be a minor medical operation or caesarean section for female if giving birth.
Health: Digestive system, respiratory system, teeth
Wealth: Pay rise or benefit from new partnership
2013rabbitRabbit (Born in 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)
The Nobleman star (天乙貴人) in 2013 the Year of the Snake will still stay with the Rabbit. It helps reduce some bad energy and bring in someone to help. ‘Nobleman’ is our protective angels and will make everything smooth and positive. The hidden travelling star (驛馬) is also in the Rabbit’s palace which means animal sign Rabbit in the Year of the Snake has a lot more opportunities to travel. It may relate to a new job or internal reshuffle.
There is the study star (Wenchang 文昌) for the Rabbit too and this will bring good study results or you will be given a chance to study something new or learn a new skill.
Health: Hair, the liver, the gall bladder, arms, legs and back
Wealth: Average
2013dragonDragon (Born in 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)
Health issues, love agony and relationship problems initiated in the year of Dragon will slowly stabilize, although you may still feel a bit depressed due to the Year of the Dragon’s impact. Need to laugh more and do more exercises. There is a sickness star for the Dragon and it brings health issue such as flu, tiredness, fatigue or hormone issue.
Health: Digestive system, hormone, blood sugar, kidneys, urethra, prostate for male, bladders…
Wealth: Becoming positive after Birthday!
2013horseHorse (Born in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)
2013 Year of the Snake will bring double ‘Flower of Romance’ to the horse and it is a good love life year for those are still single. However do not exercise your romance luck to the extreme as it may turn sour. For married animal sign Horse, it is advised to avoid going to night clubs, erotic bars and so on. You need to manage relationships wisely as there are 2 Romance Stars in your Palace. It is better to date your spouse for dirty weekends.
Be hygienic as it seems a lot of insects come to your house.
Health: Circulation systems, small intestines, eyes and hearts problems, especially, summer born person (North Hemisphere)
Wealth: Much better than the year of the Dragon
2013goatGoat (Born in 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003),
The hidden Travelling Star (驛馬) is also in the Goat’s palace. In the Year of the Snake, it brings the Goats more opportunities to travel or move to a new place for a few years. It may relate to a new job or internal reshuffle or migration. Don’t argue or dispute with your spouse, friends, colleagues or neighbours.
Health: Digestive system and skin


Wealth: Good in first 6 months, and then average or vice versa
2013roosterRooster (Born in 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)
In the year of the Dragon 2012, the Rooster combined with the Dragon and brought more opportunities, new friends or having a good chance to tie the knot. In the year of the Snake the Rooster also combines with the Snake and as a result there still will be new joint venture or co-operation with new partners which brings good results. It brings new clients too. For the working class Rooster you will be more appreciated from your superior or may receive a promotion.
The lucky star ’San Tai’, 三台 will bring you fame and money in the year of Snake.
Health: Respiratory system, teeth, bones
Wealth: Very good
2013dogDog (Born in 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)
The impact of the clash with the Year of the Dragon is still on. However it fades away once your birth month arrives. In the year of the Snake the animal sign Dog still needs to spend some money, although it is a relatively small amount compared with what you spent in the year of the Dragon.
Health: Teeth, digestive system and heart
Wealth: Better in the Year of the Dragon
Here are a few things for the sensitive animal signs (Snake, Pig, Tiger and Monkey) to reduce bad energy in the Year of Snake 2013.
  • If a female has animal sign Snake, Pig, Tiger or Monkey between 18 – 45 years old and is giving birth in the Year of Snake, this will reduce a lot of bad energy and trouble for her naturally
  • Do more exercises and make sure there is sweating for every exercise
  • Be more active and think positively. Go out and see more people and make new friends. Be more generous to others
  • Donation of blood or having a blood test done in May and November will help reduce some bad energy
  • Be nice to your parents, father or mother-in-law or other elderly people. Even telephone them more often will bring you better luck, especially for the money as there will be great help from an elder female
  • Be more flexible and open minded to yourself and others. Be respectful and don’t just think of yourself. Change the word Ego to Equal

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