Master Jen Stone

Master Jen Stone
A native of Hong Kong, Jen Stone (née Nicomedes) founded Feng Shui by Jen®, providing comprehensive Classical Feng Shui consulting services for residential and commercial spaces, individualized BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny) readings, and Auspicious Date Selection. Feng Shui by Jen® is registered as a corporate member with the International Feng Shui Association in Singapore. Jen also represents the prestigious Raymond Lo School of Feng Shui and Destiny (Hong Kong). While primarily based in Scottsdale, AZ, Jen teaches Grand Master Raymond Lo’s Feng Shui program — a 5-Day Feng Shui Practitioners Training program — in many parts of the U.S. including San Francisco, New York, and overseas in Dubai and Italy. All program certificates are co-signed by Grand Master Raymond Lo and Jen and endorsed by the International Feng Shui Association.