Home Archive Editors Letter – Tenth Edition

Editors Letter – Tenth Edition

by Senior Master Janene Laird

Master Janene Laird

Welcome to our tenth edition of Feng Shui Today – an online magazine for the modern professional and avid enthusiast!

How time flies and with the Christmas and New Year festivities behind us, we can now look forward to the Chinese New Year celebrations and begin to make the necessary preparations to increase our potential for a smooth year ahead.

The solar Year of the Bing Shen Monkey (丙申) commences at 19.46 Australian LST or 17:46 Singapore/Hong Kong time on the 4th of February and this year the IFSA Australia Chapter is hosting their annual Chinese New Year Dinner on the 5th February to update and celebrate!

So if you would like to know more about preparing yourself and your home to make the most of the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead, then come along and let our expert speakers advise you on the prospects and obstacles that the Year of the Yang Fire Monkey will bring.

This year the dinner will be held at the Shanghai Dynasty Restaurant in Melbourne’s Chinatown and commences at 6.30 pm.  Our speakers are:

  • Howard Choy – Correlative Thinking & Feng Shui
  • Edgar (Lok Tin) Yung – Chinese Astrology Forecast for 2016
  • Master Jancy Tan-Lew – Feng Shui Energies for 2016
  • Master Tyler J. Rowe – Health Forecast for the Fire Monkey Year

Tickets are now on sale via the secure Online Shop at www.intfsa.org.au and prices include 4 speakers, a delicious Chinese Banquet and door prizes!.  So grab your ticket today and we’ll see you there!   Also don’t forget to welcome the God of Wealth the most auspicious time for the reception is 01:40 Singapore/Hong Kong time on the 8th February.

On the global scene, the International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) hosted their 12th Annual Feng Shui Convention (IFSC) in Shanghai over the weekend of the 24th & 25th of October, 2015.  Titled Chinese Metaphysics – East to West , this was a great event which not only showcased speakers from many parts of the world, but once again provided a wonderful opportunity for our international Feng Shui community to network, share information and generally enjoy each other’s company.

Congratulations to the IFSA Executive Committee for organizing this annual event and also to Grand Masters Stephen Skinner and Vincent Koh for running their pre and post-convention class and tour which really topped off an excellent IFSC four day program for those delegates who were lucky enough to attend!

This year the 13th Annual IFSC is to be held in Bangkok over the weekend of the 24th & 25th of November and tickets are now available via the IFSA Singapore website.  In response to those enquiries which are already coming in; yes both Grand Master Stephen Skinner and Grand Master Vincent Koh will be running their pre-convention Advanced Flying Star Class (Friday 23rd November) and post-convention Feng Shui Tour (Monday 26th November) and full details of these special events will be available in due course.  So book your flight early and reserve your accommodation as this year promises to be even more educational and exciting!

Now back to this issue of Feng Shui Today and once again our feature articles come to us from some of our leading practitioners and masters. Topics include Zodiac Forecast for 2016 by Grand Master Vincent Koh, Feng Shui Update for the Year of the Fire Monkey by Master Janene Laird, Correlative Thinking & Feng Shui by Howard Choy, The Ruling Star in Yang Fire Monkey Year by Jen Stone, Wealth Ship by Master Jancy Tan-Lew, About the General Star by Mina Zhang and Selecting the Right Employee using Face Reading Techniques by Master Jenny Ng.

With our regular articles, Feng Shui Tips is pleased to welcome Jen Stone as our ‘guest expert’ and in this edition she sheds some light for us on the origins and uses of the Bagua Mirror.

In Ask Melynda our resident expert answers reader’s questions on how to activate your Romance Star in 2016 and how much can Feng Shui really affect and improve your destiny.  Don’t forget that if you have anything you would like to ask Melynda, then just email us at editor@fengshuitoday.com and she’ll answer them in our next edition.

In Classical Corner Master Tyler J. Rowe reflects on Grand Master Dr. Stephen Skinner’s recent IFSC presentation  on whether or not buildings are in fact the urban equivalents of mountain dragons, as popular theory would suggest.  GM Skinner’s contention was that whilst they may protect against wind, providing a modicum of ‘support’, they lack the deep roots necessary to produce Sheng qi ‘Generative Qi’ and water. It would be easy to assume at a cursory glance that the Feng Shui Classics have nothing to say on this modern perspective, but that assumption would be wrong.  A more comprehensive investigation reveals some interesting results…

Finally in Profile of a Master we are excited to sit down and chat with Master Goh Guan Leong from the Way OnNet Group.  Master Goh is one of our industries most entertaining and charismatic Feng Shui Masters, an accomplished public speaker and co-author of 4 books on Chinese Metaphysics. An Executive Committee Member of the International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) and all round nice guy, this is most definitely a must read article!

So why not take a well-deserved break and enjoy our very special tenth edition of Feng Shui Today.  As always we have done our best to bring you a magazine that is full of great advice, useful tips and informative articles.

Wishing you a healthy, happy and prosperous Monkey year!

Master Janene Laird (AFSM)

Feng Shui Today

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