Home 2021 Ox Year The Feng Shui Calendar 2021

The Feng Shui Calendar 2021

by Senior Master Janene Laird

Vera Apel (Germany) and Yolanda van Zuijlen (Netherlands) share their passion for BaZi, Feng Shui and many other traditional Chinese Metaphysics related subjects. They met in one of the many classes they undertook together on Feng Shui and Bazi back in 2014. Not only were they study mates, but since then they have also become very good friends and now business partners.

Since Vera is an architect and Yolanda an interior designer and life coach, they both use their TCM knowledge daily for their own personal date selection, as well as for business and personal meetings of their clients. From that perspective they have both been playing with the idea of creating their own printed date selection calendar that both was practical and inspirational at the same time.

yolanda van zuijlen netherlands and vera apel germany

“We both love colours and beautiful pictures and this is what we would like to see when we look into our calendar to make an inspired start to every day. But also, we need to have all technical date selection information at a glance in order to set our meetings. We found that there wasn’t any calendar that was both practical and beautiful at the same time. So we decided to create our own and this is how our first Feng Shui calendar was born in 2018”.

Initially they created the calendar just for themselves. However since they put such a lot of time, love and effort into this beautiful, practical Feng Shui resource they thought others might be interested in using it too. And so it happened that now Feng Shui professionals and enthusiasts from all over the world have been happily using their daily calendar for the past 3 years.

available now 2021 feng shui calendar

“We are so thankful and happy that our work is being used in so many countries and that what started as a small personal project is now slowly growing bigger. When we started developing this calendar again and again, we were faced with new questions and challenges in order to meet all requirements, both in terms of content and design. But with the feedback from our clients and our growing TCM knowledge, the calendar is getting better every year. We hope to be able to keep developing it in the coming years and make it a useful tool for as many Feng Shui and Bazi consultants as possible”.

The Feng Shui Calendar 2021 is now available as a hardcover book or softcover ring on www.feng-shui-calendar.com.

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