Home Editors Letter Editors Letter – Edition 15

Editors Letter – Edition 15

by Senior Master Janene Laird

Welcome to our latest edition of Feng Shui Today – a free online magazine for the industry professional and avid enthusiast!  At FST we strive to create an  industry leading resource with unique, informative articles and practical advice from some of the brightest and most experienced Masters in the business.

Gong Xi Fa Cai and welcome to the Year of the Golden Rat! 

Li Chun or the beginning of the spring season for the Year of the Golden Rat (庚子) commenced at 5.18 pm (LST) on February 4th and according to the Chinese Hsia Calendar is symbolized by Yang Metal (庚) sitting atop the Water Rat (子).

The Rat is the first sign in the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac and for this reason 2020 is considered to be a year of new beginnings and renewals, with opportunities for happiness and success best pursued via bold action and self-discipline.

As a year with Metal supporting Water, it appears that 2020 is likely to be a more harmonious, peaceful time with world leaders finally addressing the issue of rising sea-levels and climate change.  However the Yang nature of the Metal Rat does lend itself to more impassioned protests by activists.

The Rat (子) is also a Flower of Romance Star which means that it’s a good year for singles to activate their romance sector.  Aside from one’s love life, the Romance Star also symbolizes interpersonal relationships, hence it can boost both romance luck and professional relationships with clients, colleagues and friends.

Be prepared for more continuous rainfall though, as the strong Metal and Water elements will bring heavy storms and flooding, which may trigger earth disasters such as land-slides, sink holes, avalanches, building collapse and soil erosion.  Therefore be mindful of activities such as mountain climbing and driving along mountainous highways.

An absence of the Fire element in 2020 creates a more depressed world economy, resulting in a lacklustre stock market. Speculation is not advisable and any financial investments are best left until May or June. Earth related industries such as property development will remain competitive, which means that it’s a good time to purchase a new home or make a long-term real estate investment.

This year activity in Metal related industries is on the rise, with an increase in more creative products such as airplanes, motor vehicles and machinery. Gold will also be in high demand, so expect prices to increase.  A strong Water energy in 2020 strengthens the shipping, travel, education, food and beverage industries, although they will experience some healthy competition.

From a Chinese Medicine perspective, an absence of Fire and Earth weakens the immune system and contributes to digestive or stomach issues, diabetes, heart or blood related problems and overall vitality.  Excessive Water can also affect the kidneys, urinary system, sex organs and even manifest as depression or other mental illness.

As such this is a good year to nurture your physical, emotional and mental well-being, so that you are better prepared to try new things and ultimately discover a new you!

If you’d like to learn more about how to improve your prospects, then we’ve certainly got you covered with a great range of informative articles and practical advice from some of the brightest and most experienced Masters in the business!

And if that’s not enough then you are invited to join us in Malaysia in 2021 for the annual IFSA International Feng Shui Convention (IFSC).  Be sure to LIKE International Feng Shui Association on Facebook to stay up to date on all the details as they are released; including pre-convention classes and a post-convention tour.

Hope to see you there!

Master Janene Laird (AFSM)

Feng Shui Today

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