Home 2024 Dragon Year Editors Letter – Edition 20

Editors Letter – Edition 20

by Master Janene Laird

Welcome to our latest edition of Feng Shui Today – a free online magazine for both the professional practitioner and avid enthusiast!  At FST we strive to create an industry leading resource with unique, informative articles and practical advice from some of the brightest and most experienced Masters in the business.

Year of the Jia Wood Dragon 2024 – A good start is half the battle won!

From February 4th 2024 we officially entered the new 20 year cycle of Period 9 (2024 to 2043).  By all accounts this will bring a new energy to the world, manifesting as considerable social, economic and cultural change, as well as a shift in prosperous global locations.  In other words, what we knew to be the case during the past 20 years, may no longer be so in the next 20 years. 

In layman terms the dominant energy of Period 9 represents the element of Fire and the direction of South. As Fire is a rapidly ascending energy, so things will happen fast! Industry’s related to Fire will be on the up-trend, such as technology, e-commerce, digital marketing and fast moving consumer goods. Unfortunately the fast moving energy of Period 9 may also see a further rise in scammers and ‘get rich quick’ schemes, so please beware!

Consumer tastes could also become rather fickle and brand loyalty not as strong. Business owners should be prepared to tailor their goods and services to a wider customer range. Those that stick to the old, traditional way of doing things are likely to find themselves struggling or even eliminated altogether!

This period is also associated with increased activity, change, and potential for conflict. As such it’s likely to bring a significant shift in the overall energy pattern of our global environment, with potential for both challenges and opportunities.

Furthermore, Period 9 is associated with the Li [離] trigram, which represents (middle-aged) women. As such we should expect to see women increasingly rise into positions of prominence and power during the next 20 years. In fact smart businesses should target this demographic, as their influence and buying power is definitely on the rise.

So it seems that the time has finally come for us multi-tasking, problem-solving, passionate, creative, visionary women to step up and lead our world into a more stable, equitable and harmonious future. I don’t know about you, but that world can’t come soon enough for me!

In the meantime we’ll continue to publish informative, interesting articles from some of our leading experts in the various fields of Chinese Metaphysics, with the hope that we all continue to grow, nurture, inspire and connect with each other.

Gong Xi Fa Cai and I hope that 2024 brings you much happiness, health and prosperity!  

Master Janene Laird (AFSM)

Feng Shui Today

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