Home 2020 Rat Year Editors Letter – Edition 16

Editors Letter – Edition 16

by Senior Master Janene Laird

Welcome to our latest edition of Feng Shui Today – a free online magazine for the industry professional and avid enthusiast!  At FST we strive to create an  industry leading resource with unique, informative articles and practical advice from some of the brightest and most experienced Masters in the business.

Year of the Metal Rat 2020 – We’re all in this together!

As a professional Feng Shui consultant, I advised all my clients that the Yang Metal Rat of 2020 was likely to be a year of impassioned protests, new beginnings and renewals, with happiness and success best pursued via a combination of bold action and self-discipline.

I also warned my clients to expect higher rainfall and colder Winter temperatures, as prevalent Metal and Water elements would bring heavy storms and flooding, triggering disasters such as land-slides, sink holes, avalanches and building collapse. 

Furthermore I cautioned them to be mindful of health issues related to the lungs and to prepare for a particularly bad flu season.  From a Chinese Medicine perspective, an absence of Fire and Earth in 2020 is not only likely to weaken the immune system, but also to manifest as depression. As such I recommended they take appropriate measures to safe guard their physical, emotional and mental well-being.

However I must say that I never anticipated a once in a 100 year global pandemic and indeed neither did my esteemed colleagues, who like myself utilize the prognosis capabilities of Chinese Astrology (Bazi) to forecast the likely outcome of a situation. I wish that this system could provide us with a crystal ball to predict all manner of personal and global events, but sadly this is not the case and we must be mindful not to attempt to use it for purposes that it was never intended for.

Looking ahead Bazi can tell us however that Water and Metal energies continue to prevail during the remainder of 2020, throughout all of 2021 and in the first half of 2022, which means that we are not likely to see a significant or long lasting improvement in our general state of affairs until the Tiger () kicks in around the beginning of June 2022.  This is because the Tiger () is the birth place of Fire in the Cycle of Elements and also a Travel Star, which suggests that worldwide optimism and international flights should finally return to something resembling pre-pandemic levels. 

Where does this leave us in the meantime? How do we gainfully use the extra down time that has been gifted to us, particularly as we often complain of always being ‘time poor’. Of course how we respond to the unique and challenging situation which COVID-19 has thrown us into into depends not only on our individual circumstances, but also on our ability to turn lemons into lemonade.

With this very much in mind, the Executive Committee of the International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) has committed to a series of ‘Master Webinars’, which are complimentary to all its members and friends alike. This is a great way to tap into a resource that may not ordinarily have been so readily available, so be sure to set aside 1 hour per month and treat yourself to a variety of informative sessions from the comfort of your own home.

Masters Yap Boh Chu and Goh Guan Leong have already donated their time and expertise for the first two webinars which took a look at the ‘Feng Shui of Working from Home’ and’ Using Face Reading to Boost your Health & Wealth Potential’. Next up later this month is the wonderfully charismatic Grand Master Tan Khoon Yong, whose webinar is enticingly titled ‘The Creation of Miracles’. If you would like to join this complimentary session on the 28th August, just click on the link below to register your interest https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7la8SBUoSQeUf-iP-4I15Q.

More free webinars are scheduled over the coming months with other IFSA Masters including myself, Master Cristina Groza, Grand Master Dr. Stephen Skinner and Grand Master Raymond Lo. Just follow the International Feng Shui Association on Facebook to stay updated so that you too can make the most of this time to educate, inform and empower yourself.

So this year remember to nurture your physical, emotional and mental well-being, so that you are better prepared to try new things and ultimately discover a new you! Please stay safe and don’t forget to start making those long term travel plans for the second half of 2020.

Master Janene Laird (AFSM)

Feng Shui Today

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