Home PersonalBaZi The 10 Gods in Bazi

The 10 Gods in Bazi

by Edgar Lok Tin Yung

The 10 Gods are the key to opening the door of Chinese Astrology, which is also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny or BaZi. Firstly it is important to bear in mind that the 10 Gods in Bazi are NOT the same as the religious God and do not contain any religious connotations or meanings.

In Chinese characters the God (神Shen) has a few explanations. The most appropriate one to use when trying to explain the 10 Gods in Bazi comes from the I Ching “神也者,妙萬物而為言者也。─《易·說卦”. The direct translation of this is “God shows and speaks the subtle changes of nature” which in other words means “The 10 Gods show and speak the subtle changes between Wu Xing (Five Elements) in Bazi”.

By using the 10 Gods in Bazi it simplifies complex procedures. The 10 Gods not only help to determine the characteristics of the Day Master in the Natal Chart, but also give an indication when reading the Luck Pillars or Decade Pillars.

The 10 Gods are a bit difficult to manage at the beginning. However once you fully understand their meanings you can gain a giant leap into the world of Four Pillars of Destiny. So what are the 10 Gods? The 10 Gods are also known as the Variable Stars and are like the variables in computer programming or the variables between the Five Elements.

The following demonstrates the way – Water enhances Wood, Wood enhances Fire, Fire enhances Earth, Earth enhances Metal and Metal enhances Water. From this cycle a special term is given to any one of the Five elements which enhances another element and this term is RESOURCE.

When a Yin element enhances a Yin element or a Yang element enhances a Yang element it is called Indirect Resource and when a Yang element enhances a Yin element or a Yin element enhances a Yang element then it is called Direct Resource. In relation to the Day Master the Direct Resource represents the mother, elder female, teacher, fame…   Water enhances Wood so therefore Water is the Resource to the Wood.

On the other hand Water is used by the Wood and Wood drains the Water. As a result a special term is given to Wood from the Water point of view. It is called Hurting Officer or Eating God. An easy way to remember this is to think that an Element is eating away!

Therefore when a Yin element eats a Yang element or a Yang element eats a Yin element it is called Hurting Officer and when a Yin element eats a Yin element or a Yang element eats a Yang element it is called Eating God. In a female chart the Hurting Officer represents the son and the Eating God represents the daughter.

Wood helps Wood, Water helps Water, Fire helps Fire, Earth helps Earth and Metal helps Metal. In such a helping situation, it is called Self-Element or Sibling Element help. When a Yin element helps a Yin element or a Yang element helps a Yang element, it is called Self-Element help and when a Yang element helps a Yin element or a Yin element helps a Yang element, it is called Sibling Element help.

In a female chart the Self Element is the sister and the Sibling Element is the brother. In a male chart the Self Element is the brother and the Sibling Element is the sister.

Wood controls Earth, Earth controls Water, Water controls Fire, Fire controls Metal and Metal controls Wood. When one element controls another element (such as Wood controls Earth) then Wood is the Power to the Earth. In Ten Gods it is called Officer or 7 Killings. When a Yin element controls a Yin element or a Yang element controls a Yang element it is called 7 Killings and when a Yin element controls a Yang element and a Yang element controls a Yin element then it is called Officer.

In a male chart the Officer or 7 Killings is power and control. In a female chart the Officer is the husband and the 7 Killings is the boy friend.

On the opposite side, Earth is conquered by the Wood and therefore Earth is the asset to the Wood. In Ten Gods the name is Wealth. When a Yin element is conquered by a Yin element or a Yang element is conquered by a Yang element it is called Indirect Wealth. When a Yin element is conquered by a Yang element or a Yang element is conquered by a Yin element it is called Direct Wealth.

Direct and Indirect wealth is Money (sometimes debt) to both a male and female chart and it also represents a wife, partner or girlfriend in a male chart.

By employing the Ten Gods in the Four Pillar Natal Chart a Chinese Astrology consultant is able to see the following:

1. The relationship between the Day Master and other Heavenly Stems
2. The relationship between the Day Master and Earthly Branches
3. The Ten Gods show the Yin and Yang Symbols
4. The strength of the Day Master
5. The relationship between the Day Master and its parents, siblings, wife, friends, kids, boss…
6. Career path
7. Good luck, bad luck, promotion, demotion, the luck cycles
8. Increase or decrease of personal wealth and so on…

 Let’s look at an example:

In the Natal Chart the Yang Metal (Geng – the Direct Wealth money) is controlled by the Yang Fire (Bing – Sibling Element). The Direct Wealth is in fact dangerous in this Natal Chart. When more Sibling Element comes along the Direct Wealth will be totally melted down and it will only be a matter of time before this person incurs debt.
The Sibling Element comes in the Yang Wood Horse Luck Pillar as the Horse combines:

1.    With the Snake and Goat
2.    With the Goat
3.    With the Tiger

These three combinations all changed to Sibling Elements (Fire) and as a result the Sibling Element destroyed the Direct Wealth. This person went bankrupt when the Geng Metal – Direct Wealth was melted by the Fire.

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harmony February 25, 2012 - 11:16 am

Thankyou! could you please explain further how to relate the four pillars day, month, year, etc. I would appreciate it much 8)

vicki sauvage November 16, 2012 - 1:37 pm

Sorry about being too slow to reply to your question.

It is a very very broad question and needs to be narrowed down a bit more to offer any genuine, well thought through answer.

Gaurang Tank April 1, 2012 - 7:06 am

Pls. tell us more about Bazi………………………….

vicki sauvage November 16, 2012 - 1:36 pm

Not sure if you are referring to the entire website – the bulk of the site is essentially down to Janene Laird with input from others.

If you are referring to the post from Edgar – then yes I agree he has a very clear way of describing things.

If you would like to chat further we do have a facebook page https://www.facebook.com/IFSAOZ or you can continue to post your questions here.


Ari February 28, 2024 - 6:45 am

Hello, I have a very weak Bazi, 18.09.1967 – 10:40 GMT+2. My DayMaster is 3% wood, no resource (water) in my chart and I am surrounded by metal around 60%. I am a wood yin chicken and I need to understand what I can do to reinforce myself (my career dropped down since 2012..as well as all other life aspects). many thanks for your thoughts!

Master Janene Laird March 3, 2024 - 3:53 pm

Hi Ari,

This Bazi question cannot be readily answered without looking at your Birth Chart and doing a full assessment. I recommend you employ the services of an experienced, qualified Bazi consultant to properly understand your chart, plus the impact of Luck Cycles and years.


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